Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Molted!

I was feeling a bit bloated today. I didn't want to admit it, but I had put on a bit of weight...I'm sure you wouldn't have been able to notice this with my hard shell...but I knew it. So at approximately 12:00 PM today, I decided it was time to admit I grew in size. I started at my head...creeping through my shell. The kids in the class were quite concerned...they thought I was having a baby. What type of animals have babies that pop out of their heads???? Crazy kids...and teachers too! So...I started to emerge. It took around 30 minutes to creep out of my shell. All the kids in Mrs. Bonkowski and Mrs. Hamlin's class watched on, as I separated myself from my old "outfit." So long smaller size! I am ready to grow into my new shell. Right now kids are I in pain? Why am I so white? How long will it take for me to turn dark brown again? What will I do with my old shell? Keep posted as I will be blogging each day to let you know what I am up to!
Max the Madagascar

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